Countdown To Annual Father Daughter Luncheon 2022
Date & Time TBD
Countdown To Annual Father Daughter Luncheon 2022
Date & Time TBD

Dr. LaShon P. Tilmon
Founder & President
Hello Honored Guest! How are you doing? We Made it…TOGETHER. It is so good seeing you all in attendance supporting the efforts of our young scholars.
It’s important that we occasionally pause our busy lives in order to sow seeds of encouragement and praises as we embrace them and help navigate them throughout their journey from youth, college student, and into their adult lives.
With our collective efforts, they will grow into bountiful heaps of crops and yield a spectacular harvest. For that, your continued by in, and support, both participatory and financial is crucial.
- Join Our Team,
- Come Make a Difference, and
- Be the Connection needed to enhance their daily lives as they progress from platform to platform.
Do you feel the CALL? It’s innate. I ask you to answer that call and become a Basecamp Team member. What is that you ask? Come and check it out. We’ll show you where you fit in. Together we can garner more, provide greater opportunities, and advocate stronger as a collective for those who depend on our assistance. Are You In? Inquire Today.
During this special event, we will Present and Praise our young scholars involved in the Girls to Pearls (Debutantes Mentoring Program) and highlight the upcoming HBCU Tour our scholars will participate in this coming season.
Blessings-We Luv You,

Ms. Brandi • Mrs. Regina S-A • Chief David • Mr. Kelton • Ms. Alyce • Ms. Anita • Mrs. Lisa
E stablished in 1997, Girls to Pearls has celebrated the success of many young ladies whose backgrounds were misdirected or simply needing clarity and focus. As an outreach organization, Girls to Pearls is committed to ensuring that the goals of each young candidate are attained to their highest potential.
The programs and curricula are conducted over a nine-month period, and culminate with a Cotillion Ball to honor each Debutante for her achievements. This formal event also serves as each young lady’s official entrance into society.
Let the Bonding Continue and join us for our Annual Tea & Scholarship Benefit.
Girls To Pearls invites you to join us for our 24th Annual Tea
It’s a white party! Bring your fancy hat, pearls, and enjoy
Proceeds Supporting Scholarships for HBCU Tours
Date: Saturday, May 7, 2022 at 11:00AM
Location: Bob Murphy Community School
149 North Arrowhead Avenue
Rialto, CA 92376
$45 Donation Online at
Or Call (909) 730-0004